What Exactly Is Fruit Fasting?
Jun 16, 2024What is fruit fasting?
Fruit fasting is a deep detoxification of the entire body and it
can aid in weight loss. One should consume nothing but fruit during a fruit fast.
However, you can consume anything to fruit salads, fruit sushi, fruit smoothies, to
even fruit pizza. There are different levels of detoxification in my opinion. If you
imagine a pyramid, the bottom level of detoxification in my opinion of course would
be the first level and that would be called vegetarian, coming off meat, but still
consuming dairy. The second level from that would be called the pescatarian level,
meaning consuming some dairy and fish but no other meat. The third level would be
vegan meaning no animal products being consumed, worn, or put on topically. The
fourth level would be raw vegan meaning nothing but fruits, vegetables, nuts, and
seeds. The fifth level would be fruit fasting, meaning consuming any type of fruit.
The sixth level would be mono fruit fasting, meaning one would consume just
oranges for the day. The seventh level would be juice fasting and after that level
would be the top of the pyramid and the eighth and final level, which would include
water (coconut water and dry fasting). However, there are of course hitting a stage
to that an individual might be into too much of a detox and would need to ground
with some other levels. For example, you can do a juice fast for seven days but on
day three you might experience some dizziness and would benefit greatly adding a
fruit smoothie to feel more grounded. However, before starting any type of fast it is
important to consult with a doctor and/or coach such as Jules /dietitian to make
sure you are getting enough nutrients and if you experience any type healing crisis.
Healing crisis can include any of the following: diarrhea, upset stomach,
constipation, rash, hives, lack of energy, anything that is not in the optimal state of
health. Optimal health means vibrant, flourishing, no medical problems, energetic
and electrical. It’s hard to describe electrical to people who have not experienced
the fruit high and or even the raw vegan high, because once you truly felt the high
you wouldn’t want to consume cooked foods ever again. This is just my statement. I
have been a raw vegan for about five months now and what once I thought looked
good doesn’t even look appetizing or real to me, it honestly just looks like fake and
too much dead food. We should not be sick. Our bodies should thrive. Thrive means
to prosper and flourish. One should not be tired all the time. One shouldn’t have to
take a mental health day. If one should take a sick day, they should be able to enjoy
the day. We also shouldn’t be prescribed as much medication as we are in our
society. I am not a medical doctor so some may disagree. However, I truly believe
Gaia our Mother Earth was created with a solution to health problems in the form of
plants. Our society and our world is so backwards, it truly sickens me. Our jobs lack
the decency for us to tend to our rights of basic human needs, such as, going to the
bathroom. Going to the bathroom is so crucial for our optimal health. We should be
going five to seven times a day and that’s to take a poo. There are people in the
health care field that have to ignore their basic human right to go to the bathroom
and people get so backed up where they wont pass a bowel movement in three days
because of this. It is sad and not right. Then as a society on top of that, we consume
so much chemicals and it is just not healthy. Then on top of that, doctors prescribe
chemicals to make us take a poo where if you just relax instead and change the diet
you will be able to pass a bowel movement, provided you are reasonably healthy.
But someone who has a chronic disease, more detoxing needs to be done. I believe
there should be a colonic in every hospital. Colonics or Colon Hydrotherapy is a
procedure done with a medical device as opposed to a natural cleanse. Detox is
another term for cleanse really. And a colon cleanse is all a part of the process.
Cleaning out the colon in my opinion is very important to fruit fasting and being
healthy in general. Let me state this again, I am not a medical doctor nor do I tend to
give out medical advice. However, because I’ve gone through two consecutive (one-
hundred days of juice fasting), I believe that I can speak out on this concept with the
experiences that I have had. I truly believe we are clogged as a society. Even now,
my digestion is way better (but there is room for improvement). I am going four to
five times in one day (Yes poop), however I noticed if I incorporate more fruit
versus greens I go (seven to eight times). I think we should normalize talking about
bowl movements because I think its extremely important for health and maybe that
will be another blog in the future, but it goes a long with optimal health, fruit fasting
and detoxification. Fasting is usually the universal way. Rest is very important in
health. When an animal in nature gets sick, it rests and I think it is important to
consider our nature state and not outside stimuli. If we as a society running hard
working nine to five, and our adrenals is working at an overload pace it’s important
to do some type of fast to truly shift and allow relaxation and improve elimination.
“Fruits are full of energy the body needs because deep healing takes lots of it. They
are also cleansing and hydrating and you can feel it all the way down to a cellular
level”- Dr. Robert Morse. So if you have not tried fasting of any sorts, start with fruit
fasting. You can get electric results, the high I am describing is a energy high. You
feel really good and as another human being I know what it is like to feel really bad
so I had to change and fasting was one way to get to where I am now, especially on