What It's Like Working With Jules
Jun 22, 2024Working with a health coach like Jules is transformative. It's all about accountability and understanding your big WHY. When you decide to change your lifestyle, whether it's a drastic overhaul or small, manageable steps, having someone like Jules, who has walked the path herself, makes all the difference. She becomes your best friend, supporter, sister, mom—whatever you need her to be, all within healthy boundaries. Jules shows up for you.
Her favorite part of her job? Meeting magical people. These are individuals who are here to live their purpose and understand that raw living foods are the way to go. Jules helps you discover and connect with your higher self—the one that's pain-free, disease-free, and bursting with energy. She believes dis-ease is simply a disruption of self-awareness, and she helps you regain that awareness.
Jules is a master at retraining your thinking. I used to believe I couldn't thrive on a raw diet, let alone complete two 100-day juice fasts! My raw food diet isn't perfect, and that's okay. It's all about relearning, which can take time, especially when we've been misled about health since birth. Reprogramming our minds to think for ourselves is almost revolutionary in today's world.
Accountability is everything. Jules helps you create grocery lists and meal or juicing plans tailored to your journey. She supports you through healing crises—rashes, diarrhea, constipation, breakouts—that can occur during detox phases. Detoxing, especially from a diet of animal products to vegan, or vegan to raw vegan, can bring intense reactions. Jules helps you navigate these changes, even if you don't want to give up your morning coffee.
If Jules resonates with your plan, she'll work with you. Depending on your package, she might text you every day to keep you on track. I love this personal touch because if I have concerns, she addresses them immediately. Recently, I ordered two boxes of peaches and Jules shared a fantastic raw vegan peach cobbler recipe with me. Her recipes inspire me to create my own.
Ultimately, the raw food diet is about intuition. Building and trusting your intuition is essential for everyday life. Knowing when to stop eating and which foods to choose plays a key role in your healing cycle. Recommitment is another focus of Jules' coaching that I still use. Eating 80-90% raw vegan, with my most processed food being dehydrated sweet potato, is a testament to the impact of her guidance.
In the past, feeling unwell would have driven me to saltines, bananas, rice, and bread. Even after six months on a raw food diet, I was still detoxing. Healing my thyroid and detoxing from old vaccines and antibiotics taught me patience. Jules helps me stay on track and be kind to myself. I don't have to be 100% raw all the time, and that's okay. I'll never go back to eating animal products, but Jules understands that life is hard. She's there to be your cheerleader when you struggle to be one for yourself.
It's all about knowing your big WHY. For me, it was my three-year-old niece's battle with cancer. At my highest weight of 180 lbs, standing only 4'11", I was pre-diabetic. I needed to change, not just for myself, but for her. She’s now cancer-free, thank God. I want to be a vision of health for her, someone she can turn to for advice. Jules pounded my big WHY into my brain at the start of our journey, and I made healthier choices because of her dedication.
So, in summary, Jules is worth every penny. Contact her and take that first step, if not for yourself, then for someone you love and care about.